Monday 17 August 2020

My Speech

 In Class we created some speeches to share with the class. My speech was about why I don't really like beef farming.

Why I Don’t Really Like Beef Farming

Now my topic may surprise you. As some of you may know most people from around this area live on a farm. I also live on one but……… I don’t really like beef farming. 

Now my first reason on why I don’t really like beef farming is ………. the cows. On multiple occasions I have been trying to get the cows into a different paddock or into the cattle yards and they just haven't. I once had some calves break out and I couldn’t get them back on the race. On multiple occasions when I  have been winding up the reel fence and they have ran through the fence and one time they broke it so I had to wind up the two parts of fence and the part that wasn’t on the reel was dragged through some cow poop and then I had to grab it and I got cow poop on my hands, I didn’t like that at all.

Another reason why I don’t like beef farming is that we have to do drenching or anything that is cattle yard related. If you don’t know what drenching is. It's basically kind of like vaccines. There's stuff that goes into their mouths or on their backs or jabed into them. And when the cows don’t behave and not go into the cattle yards and when there in the yards and they don’t go into the passage before the crush (a crush is just a thing that holds the cattles heads so the can’t move so you can drench them or put ear tags on their ears.

This reason isn’t really on why I don’t like beef  farming but it’s what I want to do instead and it’s my speech so I can write what I want Ryan. I want to be a contractor, specifically  an agricultural contractor. I want to do stuff like plowing, cultivating, drilling/seeding and fertilizing. And in the summer stuff like mowing, raking, bailing and making pit silage. I also want to do this because I really like tractors and stuff like that, I know that you drive tractors in beef farming as well but you get to go to different places doing contracting so every day won't be the same. Because in farming you're at the same place most of the time.

So those were my reasons why I don’t like beef farming. The cows are annoying and I don’t like stuff like drenching and your most of the time at the same place over and over again, nothing really changes. Those were my reasons.

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