I was a student at Awahono School in Greymouth and this is where I shared my learning.
Monday, 18 December 2017
Summer Learning journey
For the Summer Learning Journey this is three facts about Maui activity we had to do.
Thursday, 14 December 2017
For writing my group wrote about the Moa. Once we had written about that, we made a Diorama. Here is a photo of the Diorama, with its enemy the Haast eagle.
Friday, 8 December 2017
Room Five Camp 2017!
Room five went on camp on the 20 November 2017 then returned on the 22 of November. We then made a slideshow about that. Here it is.
Germ Insructions.
In our class we have been learning to write instructions. We had to write some instructions about how to keep germs away. This is my writing.
Things you should not do:
How to Keep Germs Away
What are germs? Germs are microbes. Microbes are tiny living microscopic creatures that might make you sick. Only some of them are bad most of them are good. Where can we get germs from? We get germs from our bodies, farms, animals and other objects.
This that you can do:
- Make sure you wash your hands with soap and hot water, so you make sure the germs are gone.
- You must wash your hands after you have been outside, because there are sorts of germs outside.
- Wash your hands for two minutes or more.
- Make sure you wash your hands before you eat, because you might get germs on your food.
- Always make sure you dry hands with a clean towel, because if you don’t you are just getting more germs.
Things you should not do:
- You must not touch your mouth and then touch other things because you might get germs on other people.
- Never ever should you share cups and drink bottles with other people because you will get the their germs and get sick.
- Never ever touch the ground then touch your face, because you will get germs off the ground.
- Don’t sneeze on other people, because you will share germs.
Tuesday, 5 December 2017
Army sma
Jake and I made an army Stop Motion Animation. The reason why we made an army Stop Motion Animation is because some army helicopters landed in the domain beside our school. I enjoyed making this slideshow with my buddy.
Friday, 17 November 2017
In our class for length and perimeter we measured the netball court. Perimeter means the outside of something for example the outside of a paddock.
For spelling my group was learning the "g" sound like jammed, luggage and refrigerator. Jake, Leah, Sophie and I made it. Then we did a screencastify. This is it. I found it hard to choose different words.
Friday, 27 October 2017
Pet Day
On Wednesday 18 October, Awahono School had Pet Day. Room Five made pet projects, then once we had done all the writing we put it on a slide show. This is mine. I liked making this slide show. Hope you enjoy it!
Pet Day Photos
On Wednesday 18 October Awahono School had Pet Day. We made a slide show with some photos on it. Isabel and I made one. We also did a Screencastify. Here it is, hope you enjoy!
Friday, 29 September 2017
The Kereru
For writing our class did some writing about an animal native to New Zealand. Miro, Blake , Tane and I wrote a report about the kereru then we put it on a slide show, then we did a Screencastify. This is it.
Friday, 22 September 2017
Pompeii Escape
In Room Five for Infobytes, we read about Pompeii. Miro, Ryan and I have made a slide show as if we were someone who had survived the disaster of Mt Vesuvius. This is it, hope you enjoy it! It's written like it was a diary. (Sorry about the slow rotations on the slides.)
Friday, 15 September 2017
Maths Combinations
In my class for other strand my group did combinations. Miro and I did a DLO, then we did a screencastify. This is it, hope you enjoy!
Te Wiki O Te Reo Maori
For Maori week in my class we made a DLO on the place where we live. I did Atarau and Ikamatua. I did a screencastify of it. This is it, hope you enjoy!
Tuesday, 12 September 2017
Writing Reflection
I have written a small reflection about writing a report
In order to write and research a report you need correct information not untrue and in the plan you need keywords, you also need to check at least three sites for information. It’s hard to write the topic sentence because sometimes you can’t find enough information. I enjoyed everything in writing the report, researching for the report and more. Finding enough information was hard. Sharing my report on my blog helps because I might get other information from other people’s comments.
I found it easier to collaborate because you could do multiple things at once and it was easier to write the report altogether. I prefer to work together. In my group we all found the information fairly quickly. Next time I want to concentrate more than we did before.
Friday, 1 September 2017
In our class for info-bytes we have been reading about Pompeii. My group has done a DLO about Pompeii. I did mine with Miro. This is it.
Friday, 25 August 2017
The Tuatara
In our class in writing we have been writing about the tuatara. We did it in buddies and my buddy was Jake. Once we wrote it we put it on a slideshow then Jake and I did a screencastify. This is mine and my buddy's.
Friday, 18 August 2017
Fun Run
Two weeks ago we had a Fun Run. We had to write about it then we put it on a slide show and we had buddies my buddies were Isabel and Solly this is my slide show.
Friday, 11 August 2017
The Kakapo
We are learning to write a report. First we had to find out about the kakapo. After that we put our information on a Padlet then we wrote a plan then we started to write our report and we wrote it in paragraphs. Once we wrote it we put it on a slideshow. This is my slideshow.
Friday, 7 July 2017
'ar' Words
In spelling we have been learning the 'ar' sounds. We made a DLO. This is mine and my buddys DLO.
Thursday, 29 June 2017
Typing Tutor
I am learning to type fast without looking at the keyboard. I've been getting faster and faster. This is a screen shot of what I have been doing.
Tuesday, 13 June 2017
We have been learning to be a collaborative learner with buddies. We made a DLO on our Chrome books to show how to be a collaborative learner, and this is Jake's and my DLO.
Friday, 2 June 2017
Alone Poem
My class had to write a poem based on the poem called Alone in the Grange. Once we had done that we put it on a slide show, and this is my poem.
Monday, 22 May 2017
Wednesday, 17 May 2017
Name Art
Our class made some name art. First we drew our name in pencil then coloured it in. Then we drew patterns in Sharpie. This is mine.
Friday, 12 May 2017
Friday, 5 May 2017
I am...
We are learning to describe in a poem. I wrote a poem about myself and we followed a structure which was I am the ... who. This is my poem.
I am
I am the brother who builds a tree house with my siblings.
I am the farmer who cleans the cattle yards.
I am the swimmer who rockets down the pool in backstroke.
I am the son who loves to annoy Mum when she is lying on the couch reading.
I am the scout who loves to play games.
I am the soccer player who likes playing midfielder.
I am the grandson who likes to watch You tube at my Nana’s.
I am the cousin who watches my little cousin Theo.
I am Alex Thursday, 13 April 2017
My Swimming Lesson Reflection
We had to make a slide show about our swimming lessons this term and we had to make a Screencastify about it.
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